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I am Dr. Terry Neumayer and I have a love & calling to strengthen small churches and encourage pastors of small churches, especially town and country pastors/churches. I have 35+ years experience in pastoring "small churches."

My passion is to be a resource for the ReVitalization of the rural churches. This is done by sharing what I have learned in my ministry years, specialized studies, and pouring these insights into the rural pastor. The topics that are covered are vast and many. Many of these topics are rarely considered for a healthy church.

ReVitalization begins with the revitalizing the pastor.

This means, their health, marriage, personal identity.  RE-vitalization is not a program. It is a spiritual work of God. It is not revival, as revival focuses on the present. REvitalization has a purposeful connection to the future. ReVitalization is not "turn-a-round" concepts, although there is a turning, that is founded upon repentance and grace. ReVitalizatioin is not "working harder." ReVitalization is resting, serving, and living in the path of grace that God has for you as his pastor and leaders. 

The Methods I use: 

The main method is through Coaching the pastor and church leaders.

Other methods include evaluations, case study insights, theological evaluation, developing a disciple making process that is personal to your church.

David Jacobs, (Small Church Pastor Coach,  says, "I understand the small church. But even better, I understand the small church pastor. I’ve survived the ups and the downs of pastoring in the small church. I know the advantages and disadvantages of working in a small church."  No one knows the ups and downs of a church or ministry like a pastor does. We have a unique understanding.  When we get discouraged or have dissolution about the purpose & power of pastoring a small church. We can begin to doubt our call and our gifts becoming despondent or cynical. 

T&C Coaching isn't about ways or techniques on how to grow your small church.

Coaching is about how you will find ways to grow you! Who we are in place that God has led us to be is a part of the process that God uses to grow/develop us as pastors.

Again, as David Jacob says; "I’m not against church growth, but I am against the ways in which our Christian culture has made pastors of small churches feel insignificant and unimportant. I am against the lack of encouragement and practical resources available to small church pastors."  T&C coaching was created with you and your ministry in mind! 

About Myself:

Stuff that everyone seems to need to know... I get that: 

  • called into ministry at age 15
  • Married for 36+ years (serving in Michigan, Indiana and Kansas)
  • 4 adult children, 8 grandchildren
  • In ministry for 35+ years total
  • Currently serving as lead pastor (15 years) in a town of approx. 2000 people
  • Moved I believe 13 times
  • I have a hobby buisness in wood working. (Piano & Woodstuff by Terry)
  • Chapter Coordinator of Farmers & Hunters Feeding the Hungry
  • Taught as adjuct faculty at Bethel University, Mishawaka, IN.

Education & CEUs

D. MIn. with focus in Church Revitalization; Liberty University, Lynchberg, VA.

MATS Family Ministry Enrichment; Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA.

MA Ministry Management; Bethel University, Mishawaka, IN.

BA  Pastoral Ministry; Bethel University, Mishawaka, IN.

Other Things:

Certified as Christian DISC Facilitator

Certified in Pastor Coaching & Church Consulting

Training in Interim Pastoral Ministry

Critical Incident Intervention

County Sherriff Chaplain 6 years/5 as head chaplain

Taught ministry classes at Bethel University, Mishawaka, IN

Served several years on Christian Camp Board